Thursday, March 17, 2011

Ninja Quest Walkthrough

When you log-in your Pico you'll see a letter with an arrow somewhere in your room

Once you click the letter, a pop out of the letter will show

This letter was an invitation from Sasuke. He has given you a chance to be a ninja.

Click the GO TO JOKAMACHI button for your pico to warp to Edo Area

Once you're there, you'll see Sasuke was waiting for you, he even calls your Pico Name. Click OKAY to continue your conversation with him.

Then, Sasuke will ask you if you want to be a ninja. Click ACCEPT button if you wanted it.

Once you click the ACCEPT button, he will give these ninja shoes.

After that, he'll ask you to click the 2 Ninjas: Red Shadow and Blue Shadow

You can find Blue Shadow at the left side of Edo near the tree. Click him to greet, then after your conversation with Blue Shadow, go to the right side of Edo to find Red Shadow.

Once you get there, click to the ninja girl that's wearing red ninja suit beside the tree to be able to talk to her.

When you're done talking with her, a box will appear below

Red Shadow will talk when the box appear near her. Click OKAY then click the box to open it.

You'll get a special item that you need to collect to become a legendary Ninja.

Go back to Sasuke when you're done talking with Red Shadow.

Now Sasuke will tell you about the orange bar on the quest panel and also about the special rice ball.

He'll give you 3 Special Rice Balls and then ask you to eat one.

Sasuke will tell you instructions on how use the Rice Balls

Click the USE button to make your Pico eat the rice ball.

When you use it, the orange bar will increase. Use your rice ball wisely. You may avail it by asking for your friends' help or you can also buy rice balls via Ameba Gold

When you're done, Sasuke will talk to your Pico

He'll tell you about a grandma who sells rice balls. . .

And something about you Pico's first training

He'll command you to go at the Ooku Living Room area and talk to a ninja named Green Shadow

Click TRAVEL icon

Then choose Ooku Living Room from the Edo category of Travel

Once you're there, Click Green Shadow for your next training

Green Shadow will tell you what to do on your first training

Make your Pico clean the wooden floor by clicking on it. Your progress will be viewed on bar below the orange bar.

While doing your pico is training, the orange bar will reduce.

Sometimes a box will appear when you do your training. Remember to click it to get the special items. If you didn't click the box immediately, it will vanish.

When the blue bar is filled, go back to Sasuke for your next training information.

When you talk to him, he will instruct you on how to get to your next training area.

You can see a Japanese Door beside a Green Cloth.

Make your Pico bow infront of it by clicking the bow action button. Then your Pico will be warped inside the Ninja Dojo

When you're at the Dojo, click Blue Shadow

Then he'll give you instructions for your second training.

Your pico must run around the dojo so that the scarf won't touch the floor. When the scarf touches it, the blue bar decreases.

Your second training is done when the blue bar is filled. Go back to Sasuke when you're done with the second training.

Sasuke will then tell you instructions about the third training.

He'll tell you that you must talk with the Fireman of Edo to ask on how to climb.

The fireman of edo is the old man who's standing in front of a tower. Click on him to proceed on your pico's training.

When you click on him, he'll give you instructions on how to climb. . .

. . and also about your pico's third training task.

Click on the orange arrow pointing upward to make your pico climb up the tower.

Make your pico walk on the roof without letting it step on old roof bricks. If your pico accidentally step on it, he/she will fall down which makes the orange bar decrease and your pico will start again from the tower. So be careful. . .

When your pico make it to the end of the roof, click any from the three flags. When you get a flag a box will appear. Make sure to click it.

After that, go back to the tower, again, don't let your pico fall so that you will obtain another special item once you get in the tower safely.

Go back to Sasuke for the fourth training of your pico.

He'll tell you that he place an arrow to the left side for your pico to be able to go to the next training place.

You should get to that place and talk to Green Shadow about the fourth training.

Go to the left side of JOKAMACHI and click the orange arrow to make your pico warp to the Backstreet of Edo.

Once you're there click Green Shadow for instructions about the fourth training

He'll tell you about your training task

Hmmm. . Sounds difficult

Green Shadow will give you an item to hide your pico from Okappiki.

Click the button USE to make your pico use the item given by Green Shadow for it to hide from Okappiki.

When you'll get caught by them, your pico will be placed back from the beginning.

At the end you'll see a bald guy. Click on him to complete your training.

Well, you'll also know he's secret.

When you're done with your fourth training, go back to Sasuke for the next task instructions.

Sasuke will tell you informations about your last training. . .

He'll ask you to go to the riverside of Edo

Go to the right side of JOKAMACHI and click the orange arrow to make your pico warp to the Riverside of Edo.

When you get there, click Red Shadow to ask about the last training.

She'll give you instructions on how to do your training. . .

Click on the lily pads to make your Pico jump from one lily pad to the other until you reach a bridge.

Make sure not to click a Lily pad with a flower and a vanishing lily pad or else your Pico will drawn.

When you reach the end, go back to Red Shadow and click her. She will congratulate you then ask you to get back to Sasuke.

When you talk to Sasuke, he'll congratulate you too, and then . .

He will give you this Legendary Ninja Bandana for your Pico

Well, it's not yet the end. Remember to keep on searching for special items to get the Legendary Ninja Suit.

By doing the first training - (cleaning the wooden floor of Ooku Living Room

and also the second training at the Hidden Dojo

Author: Ameba Pico Bear

Pico: ClickMeClickU

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