Sunday, December 26, 2010

How to make Ameba Pico Link Gifts

1. Create different facebook accounts-five is enough.

2. Make Ameba Pico account on the facebook accounts that you made.

3. Log-in your pico and select "Send Gift"

4. Select a gift you want to make as link gifts

5. Select yes if you like what you have chosen

6. Select an account that you would like to send the gift. Note: Don't select multiple because if you did

You will have the same UT information on your link with your other accounts which will result to "Gift already receive" page

Select only one at a time.

To produce different UT information

7. When you receive the gift, copy the link

8. Paste it on your Word document

Remember to number your links

9. To earn money, you may use Link Bucks or adf

10. If you're finish sending gifts with your pico, log-out your facebook account and log-in your other account then use it to send gifts

11. Note: You may send gifts 2x a day 8am onwards and 8pm onwards (Philippine Time). If you had 5 accounts u will have 50 link gifts a day

~Good Luck and have fun making your link gifts ^_^~

~From: Ameba Pico Bear~

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